Friday, April 17, 2020
6:30–8:00 pm Eastern
Adam Gregory Fogel, American Institute of Architecture Students
Andrew Chin, Florida A&M University
Ricardo Ramos, NOMA Student Representative
Kyra Stark, Auburn University
Noor Ul Ain, City College of New York
José L.S. Gámez, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Ana “Kati” Salas Montano, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Closing campuses and moving education online is not simple for faculty and students. High levels of stress can accompany being displaced, scrambling for resources, and facing an uncertain economic future. At the same time, students and faculty are working together to help communities respond to the impact of COVID-19. This discussion will cover both the personal impacts of COVID-19 on students, including people of color and native people, as well as ways architecture students, faculty, and staff can help address the challenges of the abrupt changes design education is facing.