SketchUp Inference Locking with your Keyboard – SketchUp Quick Tip

This SketchUp quick tutorial will teach you to use the keys on your keyboard to lock different inferences to different axes. This is really useful for things like locking items to an axis, making tools like the rectangle and circle tools stand up in the direction you’d like them to, and more!

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This week’s SketchUp quick tip will teach you how to quickly lock your active tool to one of the axes.
SketchUp has a pretty good inferencing engine built in, so it’s pretty good at anticipating the axis along which you want to use its tools.
However, sometimes, it just doesn’t quite guess right, and you need to force an active tool along an axis.
To do this, use the arrow keys on your keyboard.
With a tool active, you can tap the up, down, left or right keys in order to force a tool along an axis.
For example – if you active the rectangle tool, then tap the right arrow key, SketchUp will lock the tool to the red axis. If you tap the left arrow key, SketchUp will lock the tool to the green axis.
If you want to unlock the axis, simply tap the key a second time.
This can be especially useful for using tools like the rotate tool along shapes with faces that don’t line up perfectly with an axis.
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