SHAHRAM KHOSRAVI /// Waiting Bodies in Dictatorial and Bordering Regimes

This conversation was recorded to be published in The Funambulist 36 (July-August 2021) They Have Clocks, We Have Time.

Waiting is a particular temporal praxis, whose political dimension is more likely to be missed by those who make people wait than by those who have to wait for a visa, for food, for access to the city, etc. Shahram Khosravi shares with us some of his reflections on this action of waiting; its Kafkaian dimension, but also its revolutionary potential.

Shahram Khosravi is a former taxi driver and currently an accidental Professor of Anthropology at Stockholm University. Khosravi is the author of some academic books and some articles but he prefers to write stories. He has been an active writer in the international press. The past year he has been working on an art book on Waiting and two years ago he started Critical Border Studies, a network for scholars, artists and activists to interact. See also his short story in this issue.

Source by The Funambulist Podcast

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