REAL Urban Planner Reviews LEGO City Sets

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Like many people out there, I spent a lot of time as a kid (and adult) playing with Legos. Perhaps unsurprisingly, most of the time I was designing and building cities. When I asked for sets for Christmas, or eventually saved up my own money to buy one, it was usually from the Lego City theme. Now that I’m a city planner, when I see Lego city sets I often wonder what kind of city you could make out of them. Would the city be any good? What kind of urbanism would it be? So come join me as I get a little nerdy discussing Lego sets from the perspective of a city planner.

All Lego images are copyright Lego.

Produced by Dave Amos in sunny Sacramento, California.
Edited by Eric Schneider in cloudy Cleveland, Ohio.


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