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Quick typography tips and tricks, a typography tutorial in Adobe Illustrator.

What’s up people, hope you are all well? Today I have a beginner tutorial for you all based around typography, it is very quick and I present to you three typography tips and tricks. We all could use a few tips and tricks from time to time, and typography is a crucial and sometimes overlooked aspect of graphic design.

You will be shown three typography tips relating to graphic design in under two minutes. They are all what I deem to be important and crucial for using typography well in your graphic design work.
I had the idea for this typography tutorial when I was waiting in traffic on my motorbike, I saw a huge billboard design that has overused the amount of typefaces on one design, it looked terrible. And then it clicked in my head, I should base a quick tips and tricks video based on typography design.

I used Illustrator for this typography video tutorial, and I find that Illustrator is a great program for editing and creating typography designs. I do have many other Illustrator tutorial videos and typography tips, but the three in this video I do believe are overlooked all too often, I myself am guilty of either being too lazy or forgetting to adjust my kerning from default to something more visually appealing, not very often but it happens!

So what is in this typography tutorial video you ask? As far as tips and tricks go, I walk you through briefly what kerning is, how to use it, the importance of selecting the right typeface, and why you should not overuse fonts or typefaces. That last one being what triggered the idea for this Illustrator typography video in the first place.

I hope you found this quick typography tips and tricks video helpful,
if you did then let me know either with a comment of a thumbs up. If you guys really find it useful, I will make a longer Illustrator typography tips video, or maybe an entire series dedicated to typography tutorials that maybe has way more tips or tricks than three, and that looks deeper into typography in graphic design; to depends on the feedback that I get from this video. It is all about you guys after all, what you want to see and benefit from.

Remember these quick tip and tricks tutorial videos are on a Sunday, if you tune in on a Tuesday that is when you will be able to see my longer tutorials, or you could flick through my playlists..
Any ideas for future videos?? Comment in the comment section and I will look into it.

Check out my playlist of speed art speed paint videos

Here is a playlist of tutorials from Satori Graphics

Check out this typography digital time lapse video

My most recent graphic design tutorial:

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The work is protected by copyright. This is applied to the video recording of itself as well as all artistic aspects including special protection on the final outcome. Legal steps will have to be taken if copyright is breeched. Music is used from the YouTube audio library and thus copyright free music.

https://youtu.be/t2LnB2wF2X0 #graphicdesign #satorigraphics


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