Natalie Jeremijenko (September 22, 2003)

After an introduction by Benjamin Bratton, Natalie Jeremijenko begins by saying that she will talk about the opportunity that interactive and Internet based technologies provide to restructure participation for “the knowledge generation.”

She presents some projects that have to do with real-time information recorded with the ”Uphone” and uploaded real-time to the Internet. She presents some audio projects that requires users participation called “Nearlogues.” She describes “Onetree,” a public experiment that generates material, scientific and cultural evidence and public spectacles on environmental and political issue. “Feral Robotic Dogs” is a multidisciplinary research project at Yale University that upgrades low-end robotic toys to sniff out environmental toxins.

Jeremijenko characterizes the “Ooz” project as architecture for animals, a series of technological interfaces to facilitate the interaction between urban human populations and urban non-human populations. During the discussion with the audience Jeremijenko talks about restructuring layers of expert knowledge, questioning who makes knowledge claims, and who feels authorized to interpret knowledge.



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