Looking versus reading — filmmaking architecture | Danny Forster | TEDxTraverseCity

Danny Forster makes connections between how architecture looks, as art, and how it fulfills its function. He illustrates how local culture and wisdom influence architecture and make it effective and aesthetic, and how he communicates that filmmaking.

Danny Forster is an Emmy-award-winning producer, an influential speaker and educator, and an internationally recognized architectural designer. His wide-ranging career is unified in his singular ability to teach people to find meaning in buildings, and in his passion for opening their eyes to the built world around them.

Forster’s skill as an interpreter of architectural concepts first emerged on television, as the on-screen host and later the producer of the Discovery Channel’s award-winning series Build It Bigger. The show brought a camera crew and Forster’s curiosity, discernment, and enthusiasm to pioneering construction projects in more than fifty countries. At each site he would go to extreme lengths—two miles under a seismic zone in a Peruvian tunnel, landing in a chopper on the back of a top-secret Naval vessel, 1,600 feet in the air on top of a twisting skyscraper—to make complex architectural content accessible to a wide audience.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

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This talk is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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