Jesko Fezer – Design Problem Reality

Lecture date: 2011-03-21

Architecture and design face many dilemmas; probably the most serious is the inherent inability to effectively deal with reality. Architecture and design have lost touch with the everyday and its politics. If we would learn to accept the dynamic and incomprehensible conflicts between actualities, desires and practices structuring reality, we could also accept that architecture and design are not able to produce any homogenising, settling, durable, optimal or even just satisfying results. But probably architecture and design constitute means of negotiation, rather than solutions in themselves. They could be understood as cultural methods to spatially negotiate power structures and social relations.

Jesko Fezer (*1970) is a Berlin-based architect. In the 2004-founded architecture cooperation ‘ifau und Jesko Fezer’ he realised projects in Munich, Stuttgart, Berlin, Utrecht, Graz, New York and London. He is co-manager of the thematic bookshop Pro qm”and co-editor of the political architecture magazine An Architektur. Being active as writer, curator, artist and exhibition designer (Kooperative für Darstellungspolitik), Jesko Fezer taught at various universities and he was most recently heading the Research Program Civic City. Design for the Post-Neoliberal City at the Institute for Designresearch ZHdK Zürich.


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