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Designing a modern logo can be difficult! In this tutorial Will Paterson shows how to design a modern logo within Adobe Illustrator. Not only will you learn about how a logo can be made very easily, but youโll also learn how to sketch out a logo first before vectorizing it.
Not every logo has to use the pen tool, in fact for most of the time, youโll never need to use it because logo design is primarily based on the composition and reduction of geometric shapes.
I hope you enjoy the video and make sure to subscribe if you find it helpful!
Great Graphic Design Resources! https://creativemarket.com?u=Willberto
Instagram: http://instagram.com/willpat
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If you would like me to design you a logo, poster or anything for your Youtube Channel or business, then Iโm your man! I would love to work with you to make what you want a reality! Check out my website and portfolio for more information.
Hire me: http://www.williampatersondesign.com