Designing a Business Creation App with Marisa Blair from xo pixel – 1 of 2

Join UI/UX designers Marisa Blair and Howard Pinsky on Adobe Live as they design in Adobe XD! This week, Marisa will design a user friendly mobile app to help users build their own small businesses and online presence. Stick around for online engagement, branding and business pro tips during this two day journey!

Guest Marisa Blair is a UI/UX designer based in Toronto, Canada and founder of xo pixel:

Host Howard Pinsky is a Senior XD Evangelist at Adobe:
Join us LIVE on Behance:

00:00 Start
02:00 Intro
15:00 Beginning sketches
19:00 User testing etiquette
25:00 Repeat Grids
50:00 Making buttons
01:06:00 Social media advice
01:08:20 Google Sheets plugin


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